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5 Ways to get the most out of your Aqua Yoga session

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Hooray! You've decided to practice Aqua Yoga! Maybe you're working on rehabilitation after surgery or an injury, maybe you want to improve your balance and range of motion, maybe someone told you about all the great benefits of Aqua Yoga? Whatever brought you to Aqua Yoga, whether you're doing a group class, a one-on-one with a teacher, or practicing on your own; here are some ways to maximize the benefits of your Aqua Yoga session.

1. Pool Breath

All yoga sessions work on deeper, fuller breathing, plus use of the breath to help move in and out of postures. Aqua Yoga requires a steady, consistent breath that's not as deep as on land. Because of the hydrostatic pressure of water, every system of the body receives more oxygen while working in water. Therefore breathing as deeply isn't needed, and in fact, isn't helpful. A slow steady 3-1 breath pattern works well in most water yoga sessions. (3-1 Breath = inhale for a count of 3, hold for 1, exhale for a count of 3, hold for one and repeat)

2. Posture

Strong, steady posture with complete, yet gentle, muscle engagement is essential in Aqua Yoga. In most Aqua Yoga postures; the feet lightly grip the pool floor, all leg muscles hug the bones, glutes are engaged, stomach pulls up and in, shoulder blades move down the back, and the crown of the head reaches up. Consistent muscle engagement, and length in the spine and joints will allow you to move more gracefully, gain more strength, and deepen range of motion in the Aqua Yoga postures.

3. Slow Down

Slowly and mindfully moving in, thru and out of Aqua Yoga postures helps maintain balance, expands range of motion and allocates muscle use efficiently. View each yoga posture as a process or a journey rather than a destination. Slow and steady movements thru the postures will help you maintain and improve balance. Plus by maximizing time practicing the posture instead of falling, you'll get the multiple benefits of more time in each pose. This strength and ease of movement will follow you out of the water and back onto land.

4. Take Up Space

Lengthen your arms, legs and spine when you practice Aqua Yoga. Create as much distance as possible between your left and right fingertips. Reach the crown of your head as far away as you can from the soles of your feet. All these cues and movements will allow you to create spacious postures, maximizing space in the joints and helping maintain that space after your practice. Aqua Yoga is the time to take up as much physical space as you can!

5. Play

Finally, Aqua Yoga should be fun! Being in the water is fun; it's natural for our playful sides to emerge. Enjoy the feeling of your body flowing in the water, enjoy the reduced gravity, enjoy feeling lightweight, enjoy the expanded movements possible in the water. Aqua Yoga should always be fun; welcoming in healing for body, mind and spirit.

Suzanne Andrew, LMT, CTYMT, Reiki Master, CPT and Certified Aqua Yoga Teacher has been teaching and practicing massage, yoga, breath work, energy work, and meditation on land, and now in water, since 1999. (FLMA51338)

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